we had roti
canai telur + dalca 4 breakfast. yg home-made nye ok. kalau segera, tak kuasa nk kecoh kt cni. hehe. the best part is, i got the chance to tebar the dough myself. huhu. dh lame teringin. tercapai gk akhirnye. ade la dlm 5 biji. of coz wif no style at all, but who cares.. janji ade rupa. the taste? yummyyyy! credits to kakazma and not to forget
myresipi.com.4 lunch. laksa penang, i tell u. again, thx and credits muchacha to kakazma, host of the day. personally, i think it was perrffeecttt! although laksa nya agak slim, resemble bihun, tapi enak sih. lg sedap plak bile mkn ngan laksa halus2 cam2. kuahnye mantap. be4 the guys and kak ayu sampai kitorang dh QC siap2 kt dapur. ( note : QC pun, habis sepinggan jugak ;p) lepas tu, makan lg 3 pinggan. kenyang nye sampai sekarang. sgt puas hati.
as for side dish, we had (1) pau kaya & kacang hitam, ladies n gentlemen. made by
jamie-oliver-to-be me! and oh, kakazma made the kacang hitam. and the kaya from encik yeos. hehe. aftermath? sold out la. *kembang sebentar* (2) murtabak, made by kak ayu. sedap. nyesal tak bwk kari ikan (leftover from yesterday), kalau tak.. mesti lg layannn. hmmm. did i miss anything? nope. i think that was it. kenyang. kenyang. kenyang.
readers in malaysia some of you might think it was nothing. ala, setakat roti telur, laksa, pau n murtabak tu... kt mane2 pun ade.
they are "heaven" to us. ;p
p/s : pics will be uploaded later, since my hubby took our
canon 350d baby with him. :(
another p/s: did u guys see my brand-new pink shoutbox? feel free to leave ur footprint behind ;p