woke up @ 5 am, pastu dh tak bley tido balik. suffering from this pain. p****d pain. i've been thru this be4, a lot, but still.. it hurts. nk makan, x lalu. so i ended up mkn painkiller time perut kosong. i hope my younger brother will graduate soon, so that he can start inventing acti-fast painkillers. i mean, really really fast.
i'm on leave. i feel bad about it. i shud be there, helping my mate with his task, as it's due tomorrow. i, on the other hand, hv NO due date for my task. sian die. he can manage on his own. of course he can. but, it would be better if i'm there to help him, IF he need any, wouldnt it? hmmm, pandai2 la labooo.
btw, here are pictures of kak azma's son, luqman, caught in his act. kecik² dh pandai flirt ekk. ;)
Thursday, November 16, 2006
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tu la psl. tu yg aku curik² jugak ambik gmbr, wpun mak budak pompuan tu mcm pndg² slack jek. hehe ;)
makcik tu jeles ko tak ambik gmbr dia kot :p
aku rs cam2 gk la. mesti die nyesal dpt anak comel. hilang keglemeran die. muahahaah!
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