akhirnya aku manage siapkn task tu.
simple.. but of coz with a lil twist.
it took me 2 days to figure out how where when the twist is.
2 days?
tak la lama sgt. kan?
since i'm done with mine, i helped my colleague with his task.
be4 balik td mcm dh dpt idea, but had 2 rush.
takut x sempat asar.
esok settle lg satu task.
self satisfaction bebeh!
my kari ayam was a hit. hehe.
masing2 menambah.
x cukup ngan nasik.
kakdora & kakyam siap test power ngan roti lg.
sambil tgk erin brockovich.
sambil minum hot tea.
but still..
without my other half.
du fehlst mir, schatz!
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