u r not the first one who asked. ;p
jwpn kpd soalan di atas..
tak tau la laboo. kalau boleh, tak nak. hujan emas di tanah orang, hujan batu di tanah sendiri. or something like that. rs mcm pelik jek bunyi nye. but u guys know what i mean rite?
we've discussed about this. i gave my opinions, expressed my feelings.
the rest is his decision.
saya hanya menurut.
rezeki ada kt mana2 kan. ;p
at 2 a.m. the other day my sister woke me up with 6 missed calls and 1 sms.
"call klong jap. urgent"
dgn keadaan mamai, aku bgn bukak pc.. "beli" calling card online. of coz @ my hubby's suriacards (promote sat ;p). call klong sambil berpeluh2. gelabah seh, wondering ape la yg jadi.
adik bongsu aku, sha, accident. terkejut btol aku. my kaklong was driving when i called. she headed straight to tg malim from work. note : she works at kuantan, ok. sha patah kaki. admitted to hospital slim river. siannye die. saksi2 kata, it wasnt sha's fault. salah that guy, yg drive gen2 yg die baru dpt dlm sebulan. damn u. kalau nk menunjuk ngan keta baru pun, jgn lerr susah kn org lain. am still waiting 4 update frm my kaklong. harap2 sume ok.

argghh! i h8 being 10000km away frm them!!
dgn keadaan mamai, aku bgn bukak pc.. "beli" calling card online. of coz @ my hubby's suriacards (promote sat ;p). call klong sambil berpeluh2. gelabah seh, wondering ape la yg jadi.
adik bongsu aku, sha, accident. terkejut btol aku. my kaklong was driving when i called. she headed straight to tg malim from work. note : she works at kuantan, ok. sha patah kaki. admitted to hospital slim river. siannye die. saksi2 kata, it wasnt sha's fault. salah that guy, yg drive gen2 yg die baru dpt dlm sebulan. damn u. kalau nk menunjuk ngan keta baru pun, jgn lerr susah kn org lain. am still waiting 4 update frm my kaklong. harap2 sume ok.
argghh! i h8 being 10000km away frm them!!
ouh. poor sha! lucky the guy already had the gen2 for a month . couldnt imagine what wud happen if he just got it yesterday. that wud be serious damage.
my prayers for your sis.
hep!why didnt i know about the settling down thing.
btw, bila nk menapak ke sini lg. i da pindah umah lain da.
tu la..
kakak aku kate mamat gen2 tu xde pape pun. ye laa.. die naik keta. adik aku merempit. sian btol. seb baik die baru sudah spm. cuti pjg.
kalau la siemens tu bapak aku yg punye... skrang gk aku g umah baru ko. isk isk isk.
eh, ko dh abis prac ek?
iye.skang ni tgh sem blaja.aku extend one sem nnt..nak exam dah ni..cuak gilos!
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