hmm judging the first half.. ok la. not bad. rata2 the performances were ok. some were gr8. the rock trio 4 example. selalunye rockers kapak yg dok merosakkan majlis kan. but not this time. wpun i didnt know the song, "musibah" if i'm not mistaken, but i enjoyed it. the last time i heard rahim maarof sing was like.. ermm... yearssss ago. ning, nikki, noryn (who the h*ll is she anyway?) and dayang is a superb combination. again, x penah dgr lagu
arghhh. here i am. mengarut psl showbiz. huhu haha.
tapi nk sambung lagi.. ;p
ogy, i like. except 4 the fact yg tudung die dh ala2 nk terbang melyg bersama angin bayu. kak engku plak.. hmmm. high pitch sgt la suara die. but both are very the selamba la. perkara yg plg menyampah ialah... lawak2 datuk K. dlm 1st half td ade la dlm 3 kali org dok sebut nama die. demm. nyampah la. stop it plzzzz.
erkkk! ade org ring la.
it was kakdora & kakazma. dtg melawat. ;p
i think i better stop mengarut and continue watching abp smpi tertido. haha! worst case scenario.. i pause again, and sambung my
p/s : i bet my hubby's still @ his office right now. rajinnye die ;p
Noryn tu pernah famous masa kita sek dulu. Tak ingat tajuk lagu dia. Tp aku ingat video clip dia. Dia main-main atas buai kat bwh pokok. Buaian yg pakai tayar tu. Pastu, bulu-bulu ayam berterbangan di sekeliling dia. Tapi kan, suara dia tak la sehebat skrg nie. SKrg suara power tu! Aku rasa dia masuk vocal class kot
ic. tu la aku ade terbaca jugak. die wat comeback ni after 8 or 10 thn. ;p
thx 4 the info.
p/s: aku dpt bygkan kelawakkan VC nye. haha.
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