The pain of periods is caused by contractions of the uterus or womb, similar to those of another 'normal' pain women suffer - during labour.
Mild contractions constantly pass through the muscular wall of the womb, although most women are unaware of them. During menstruation, however, they are stronger than normal and during labour they're stronger still.
Each contraction causes the blood supply to the womb to be temporarily cut down as the blood vessels in the muscle wall are compressed. As the tissues are starved of oxygen, chemicals that trigger pain are released.
At the same time the body is also releasing chemicals called prostaglandins, which induce stronger contractions and which may directly cause pain in the womb. As the contractions get stronger, so the pain increases.
The aim of these contractions is to help the womb shed its delicate lining (as a period or bleed), so a new lining can be grown ready for a fertilised egg to implant itself. This is an essential part of female fertility, but pain is a side effect.
Mild contractions constantly pass through the muscular wall of the womb, although most women are unaware of them. During menstruation, however, they are stronger than normal and during labour they're stronger still.
Each contraction causes the blood supply to the womb to be temporarily cut down as the blood vessels in the muscle wall are compressed. As the tissues are starved of oxygen, chemicals that trigger pain are released.
At the same time the body is also releasing chemicals called prostaglandins, which induce stronger contractions and which may directly cause pain in the womb. As the contractions get stronger, so the pain increases.
The aim of these contractions is to help the womb shed its delicate lining (as a period or bleed), so a new lining can be grown ready for a fertilised egg to implant itself. This is an essential part of female fertility, but pain is a side effect.
that was funny!! haha!
tu la kan.
ni yg pkir sejuta kali nk jadik lecturer nih.
banganglaaaaah yg pasal math tuh
bijak punye jawapan
anyway mamafarr gute besserung ya!!
minum la teh hitam pekat wivout sugar, panas2 tau..
insya Allah lega
and then jangan luper tuam kat bahagian ari2 tuh
insya Allah buley ilang sakit
jgn luper pakai stokin jugak!!
kaki sejuk pon x elok utk perot.
and last but not least..cantek lah layout baru nih
so sweeeeeet
miss u!!
dh minum dh. dpt petua tu dr umi dulu. mula2 tu mcm x lalu. lama2 ok jek. lega bile minum air pns. mekasihhh la kasi petua. muaxxs!
mish u toooo!
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