my man got his long over dued birthday present, which he had to go buy himself.
i feel a lil bit abandoned, as it replaced me as his baby at the moment.
but on second thought..
i know i got him something he really really likes.
and you girls out there know it as well as i do.. it´s not that easy.
happy belated birthday abg!
sorry, i cant afford an AUDI R8. :(
wow! hadiah hebbbatt!!
papafatt ske la tew!
kalu ade budak kecik telepas kat sitew,pigi hancuskan mende alah tew, misti best! ghegheghe *gelak jahat*
nangis 7 ari 7 mlm la gamaknye.
hadiah yg sgt berguna for him, kan kan.
sgt lah berguna nya.
ari2 ade jek update on sent fax. :)
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