meeting went well.
awal2 tu aku senyap jek. sbb byk sgt mulut nk berckp.
towards the end tu baru dpt suarakan rasa hati. haha.
it feels gr8 when what u said makes some difference.
they changed their mind. thank God!
it's going 2 be a fully STEP7 programm after all.
kind of creepy pun ada.
it's like they were right next to me when i was lying on my bed last nite, used their psychic power to read my mind. :p
aufbau dh di test.
no failure.
seldom case, bak kata prof.
selalunye mesti ade salah sana cni.
*tgh bangga ngan diri sendiri*
malu jugak ngan diri sendiri sbb tutup mata & telinga dgn gigih nya ms nk switch on power supply. takut meletop. haha. obviously i wasnt the one yg meng'ON' kan bendalah tu. thx to mr mattheis, again. ish, baik hati la mamat ni. in return, i helped him with his task. yup, believe it or not, farr membantu lab engineer. *bangga lagi* i did mention 2day is my lucky day, didnt i? ;p
note : it's a PLUS point for a guy if he allows others to help once in a while. kan?
esok pagi meeting lg. no sigh on this one.
i called my supervisor myself to set-up this meeting.
we'll discuss about
plsss, feed me with great news. ONLY great news, por favor!
cant wait for sunday!
a friend will come over. mayb.
hubby too. insya-Allah.
bbq with all the saar ppl, that i miss sooo damn much.
why why why? i cant answer that either.
does it matter??
i think i can forgive u.
i forgave u.
and pls.. jgn biar pisang berbuah 2x.
i've been working really hard these past few days.
gonna reward myself a pair of sunglasses.
nekad. nekad.
kalau ada org nk sponsor, i'll luv u even more. *hint utk abg ;p*
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