blogku cayang,
sungguh ku x bermaksud utk mengabaikan mu...
waduh. rs mcm dh lama sgt meninggalkan dunia blog ni. uppss, i mean dunia blogging. i still read others' blogs on regular basis though. manusia ni.. mcm2 adaaa! so are their blogs. some lead a normal student life, some a glamorous one, some with non-stop dramas.. and the list goes on. start blog-hopping guys! u'll be in luv with it in no time. ;p
so. many things had happened since the last time i blogged. hmmm.. where shud i start.
# 16th of March was abg's birthday. suprised him with dinner. he was really suprised, i tell u. even throughout the dinner. the gift? NO. there was no gift. note : ini kind of normal la between us. slalunya kitorang go shopping together 4 her/his present, or at least ask directly apa dia nak. oh my God! sudah suku abad rupanya suamiku ini. ;p
# start buat thesis. akhirnya, aku di phase terakhir of my studies. honestly, aku stress gile. hari2 rasa nk pecah otak. i'm not exaggerating, i really am not. the fact that our own supervisor is not so familiar with the software that we r working with really brings our motivation down.
but we'll be through it.
# smalam gi interview proton kat cologne. last minute decision. alhamdulillah, dh dpt offer letter. abg as well. at first, the tuan haji said he can only take one of us. i didnt really understand why, coz he made it clear that there'S no policy whatsoever stated that both hubby&wifey cant work together in proton. in fact, masa isi borang tu kitorang pilih 2 different department. tapi, at last, dia bg jugak kt 2-2. breakfast @ hilton was great. sbb free. haha! kwn2 were great too. the interview itself was ok. relax. stress sket being the forth last. proton city tg malim,, here we come!! (ermm, ekceli, proton is kindof our back-up plan. shhh!!) and oh, lupa lak nak mention, tuan haji tu is Gmin's uncle. note : Gmin itu ialah kwn smapl ku. betapa dunia ini kerdil.
# daku sakit2 belakang, kaki, tangan dan seluruh anggota. adoiii! sebabnya last weekend main badminton nearly 2 hrs non-stop. inilah aku, kalau main badminton ke, pool ke, bowling ke, hape ke.. mmg susah nk berenti. abg knows me very well.
# contract ngan MARA sudah expired, tapi alhamdulillah.. smbgn dh diluluskan. and am waiting 4 the official letter dr miss shikin from MARA. cepat la sket kak oi. dh 4 hari jd pendtg asing ni. (note: i need that letter to renew my visa). tolonglah dia baca blogku ini. haha! in ur dream farr.
# watched mr bean @ frankfurt. haha! funny. rase mcm kejap je cite tu. tup tup dh habis. over khusyuk plak. abg.. of course bergelak ketawa ngan heavennye. rs mcm bergema satu cinema tu ngan gelak die. hoho. tapi nachos die x sedap langsung. uwekk. dh la mahal. chettt!
and the list goes on.
saya mahu sambung tengok datin diaries. cerita boring, tapi pelakon hebat2. layannn je la. ciao cin chowww!
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
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yay!!!!! akhirnyeeerrr !!!
mamafarr telah mengupdate ini blog!!!!!
weehheeeeeeee!!! saya sgt gumbiraaahhh!!!!!!!!
best best!!
hikhikhikhik.. rindu sgt ngan blog mamafarr, eceh..ngan blog nyer saje..
rindu kat mamafarr jugak :D
oyay..datin diaries tuh x best kaaaan..
leceh la...citer slow cam tuh, tau2 jek da abis satu episod, x byk part pon..
sbb ade rita rudaini, umi sanggup tgk jugak..
umi ske giler part kak rita pegang kayu golf nak hentak si mat aris tuh..hauahuahuahauhauha..tgk berkali2 part tuh..pastuh, try hafal2 dialog rita..hauahuahauhauhau..ish..
terseronok sendirik laks
eh..luper pulaks...
tahniaaah!! sbb dpt keje kat proton!!
congrats congrats!! :D
aah. farr pun suke part tu. yg lg best part rosnah mat aris tu takut2. haha.
btw, umi, cuti nih watpe??
cuti nih x de wat ape2 best pon.. kene bace utk presentation sbnryne, tp asik duk menelaah buku citer jek..
huhu mamafarr laks?
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