mknn byk. org ramai. loud yet fun. kak ina dtg. sue dtg. gaya & seow chien pun ada.
nasi beriani, mee bandung, laksa, puding, seri muka, marble cheese cake etc.
kenyang. x sempat nk rasa semua.
at nite, left the house with some frens.
enjoyed nite life in frankfurt.
lepak cafe. it was full, so we had to lepak outside.
supposed to be OK, with heater & blanket.
tp abg itu sesgt hampes. the service was a turn-down.
nasib baik the company was gr8. they sure had lots to tell. we had lots to laugh about.
note : last nite was girls´ nite-out, so i left abg behind with his guy frens. pooor him. :(
luckily, he was cool with it, although his other frens had already left as we arrived home. he ended-up d alam mimpi. i hate myself for leaving him like that. but another part of me is glad and satisfied. it has been ages since i last hang-out with my girls. and did i tell u he was totally cool with evrything? he is indeed the best hubby in the world.
am done with shopaholic & baby. thx to wawa for lending me hers.
very interesting. real. funny. sad. blablabla. all in one.
i guess sophie will come out with "shopaholic & the house" soon.
wa, if u´re reading this, aku chop pinjam next shopaholic ok? hehe. danke im voraus!!
some frens of mine did ask what do i do for my thesis/final yr project.
i wont bore u with the details.
make ur own conclusion with the pic below. *grin*
and now.
would you excuse me, pls.
nk g kacau org yg tgh lena tidoq tu.
we only have less than 4 hrs left together.
so, x kira, nk kacau jugak.
will you be coming down to heildelberg for rugby? ke ada plan lain. Nak cupcakes!!
huih,danke im voraus tu..hehe..
insyaAllah...patutla dia tak pindah lagi..habisla..kompem umah dia sarat gila..:P
alaaa.. x bley g heidelberg la. wiken ni ade bbq kt cni. last time nye bbq aku dh miss, kali ni tamau la miss lg. sowieeee! hv fun d heidelberg!!
dh danke im voraus tu.. pephm je la ek. ngee! umah dh x sarat sgt kot. kan last2 tu die antar blk sstgh brg yg ntahapehape yg die beli tu. dpt refund sume. tp sgt best la shopaholic&baby tu. danke again!!
actually asking sbb ingat nk g sana la.sbb tu nk cupcakes!! hehe. tp ada bbq pulak.
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