When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.
waaaah..bestnyeeerrr..sampai bile maifest ni?
demn. i came too early la ari tu..ala.this one nmpk lagi best!!
sampai 14th may.sempat lg u guys nk dtg.akan ku sambut ngan tangan/pintu terbukak.komm komm.
emmm..ala..esok pekse laaaabuuuuuuuu..next weekend mamafarr ade buat ape2 x???
esok pekse? gud luck (too late).wiken ni.. ich hab keine ahnung. berjimba2 d sekeliling kota kot. ;pwhy why?du nk dtg cni kah??fyi, papa ist heute in berlin. g messe.
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waaaah..bestnyeeerrr..sampai bile maifest ni?
demn. i came too early la ari tu..ala.this one nmpk lagi best!!
sampai 14th may.
sempat lg u guys nk dtg.
akan ku sambut ngan tangan/pintu terbukak.
komm komm.
emmm..ala..esok pekse laaaa
next weekend mamafarr ade buat ape2 x???
esok pekse? gud luck (too late).
wiken ni.. ich hab keine ahnung. berjimba2 d sekeliling kota kot. ;p
why why?
du nk dtg cni kah??
fyi, papa ist heute in berlin. g messe.
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