i just talked to dill on the phone. haha. rasa mcm mami jarum, spreading rumours to the neighbours thru phone. but it was nothing like it lah. just a jejak kasih session. exchange infos, update each other.
and why am i pathetic?
because i just
invited myself made her invite me to dinner @ her casa. lauk semalam ke, lauk 4 hari lepas ke, i dont care. asalkan dpt makan nasik. what had happened to me? i'm actually used to eating instant soups, or garlic bread, or maggi for days (thx to life as perantau for 4 yrs). anyway, note to self, esok kena jugak kuar beli brg2 dapur. tak le aku kebulur2 mlm2 buta.
on a different note, mr ruzlan from mara dtg in a few weeks time. kecik tapak tgn, nyiru kami tadahkan. pastu kena la tadahkan telinga utk kitorang plak yerr. byk masalah ni. nak komplen. nak ngadu. nak tanya. dh fed-up asyik thru phone, thru emails (dill la yg buat kan, bukan urs truly ;p).
representative frm jpa plak dtg this wiken. ish, tahun melwt germany ke nih? ape2 je la. asalkan aman damai. maju jaya.
mode : letih tunggu download nk siap. *sigh*
gambar yg xde kaitan ngan entry
puteri Torrent!! dl ape?
dh tgk sumola??
aduss. puteri torrent??? title puteri aku accept la. puteri torrent, mcm poyo la plak. ke aku mmg poyo? muahahahahha.
aku dload manjalara. aritu bosan2 xde cite, start tgk cite nih. dh tersangkut la plak. paham2 je la. hoho.
sumolah x tgk lg. dh kuar ke kt torrent malaya? mcm blom jek oder.
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