eh, i AM young, lupa plak. *ngee*
food was enak. we had daging arnab, ayam, kueh teow, sambal sotong, nasik impit, kuah kcg, cheese + grapes, dadih, jagung... hmmm.. i think that's it. wait a minute.. is that it? rs mcm sket je, but how come i was soooo kembong and full by 12. yup, by 12. blame the consumption of cups and cups of coke/orange juice/plain water. the sun is not shy shy cat 2day, soo.. sangat panas, ok. it nearly spoilt my mood, dgn p****d pain nye lagi.. i felt very uncomfortable at the beginning. all cranky and tamau layan sume org. bila sorang² dok tanya mana hubby, i felt like wanna transform jd gaban or suria perkasa hitam or whatever!! ish.. farr... farr.. tanya pun salah, tak tanya pun salah. pms.. *sigh*
finally.. the aspirin's kicking in. and i felt better. abandoning the grill job, i found myself bertapa under the canopy, talking to only those who were arnd me, eating only apa yg di hdpn mata. laziness 10 out of 10, social skills ZERO, dont u think? not long after that, i stood up, went refreshen myself and looked for haziq. nk ajak dia main bola. hehe. so.. ended up me, haziq, ayman and yvonne playing bola sepak (amateur version) and frisbee d kala matahari memancar dgn jayanya.
and guess what.. the others watched us with envy. hey, we wanna feel young too! hoho. maka.. ibu², bapak², lonely wives :( and the bujangs gathered on the field.. main tuju kasut. ahh, it's been ages.. but i'm still good at it. muahahaha!! (minus the semputness la kan). saya suka.. saya suka.. i'm out of words.
just now, hubby called. yay! at last, we managed to really2 talk. saya sgt puas hati. we even planned our next weekend already. together, of course, insya-Allah. *berbunga-bunga*
beli daging arnab kat mana? nak borong...
kt kedai bismillah kt saarbruecken nih. mannheim kampung.. xde jual kot. hoho!
nk mkn daging arnab!!
meh meh..
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