well, tu la company hubby aku, yg telah merampas dia dr aku. seminar sampai 2 minggu. sabtu pun ade. hampess. pastu, ada ke logik, baru buat thesis dh kena gi business trip. nun jauh d sana plak tu. dekat2 ngan europapark nun. *bengong* appointment ngan pihak sane (autohof) tu pkol 8:30 mlm. wth. aduhh, tak tercapai akalku. hello, nice weather ok. org nk wat bbq rabbit la. kejam tahap dewa, u know.
sgt heaven kalau hubby leh join bbq tomorrow. tapi, i understand if he choose not to. ye la kan, mesti penat, physically and mentally. with the travelling and everything.. it's better for him to hv a long quiet rest at home this sunday. monday start seminar balik. *shian die*
we havent had a proper chat on the phone since last monday. it was either during his short breaks or right be4 he went to bed, when he was already ngantuk gile gile punye. the phone sessions consisted of updating each other (very briefly) and me sulking, because he said he had to hang up. and then him pujuking me. in the end exchanging iloveyou and goodnight.
oh God! baru 6 hari x jumpa, rs mcm dh berbulan2. actually, deep inside, i still hoping he'll ring at my door anytime soon. u know, mayb they cancelled the appointment or the meeting finished earlier than planned, so he decided to drop by (since my place is kind-of on the way from his to autohof tu) or my tactic of pancing him with daging arnab the other day made him sacrifice his sunday rest *grin*.
actually.. i'm not the only one who wants him there tomorrow. kak ayu told me yesterday, "tak meriah la kalau fattah xde." i agree with you, kak ayu. and oh, speaking of kak ayu... her son (haziq) called me by my name yesterday, instead of just hey!...finally. i was on the other end of REAL supermarket, when i heard a kid's voice shouting "par! par!". i thot some kid was looking 4 his papa, but actually it was haziq looking for me. haha!
1 comment:
amboi mesra nampak..jeles nie
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