When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.
kak Farr,,apa ni? mcm menang pertandingan ke? heheheh. anyhoots, congrats! wahhh a thou Eurooo. gila banyak (selepas convert). kalau x convert pun banyak jugakkkkk. huuuuuuu
ayu,germany's next top model la.hehe. saje je tulis hadiah tu. kasi panas. ;p jom jom nnti dinner same. be4 org tu jadi puan. hehe.
tahniah farr... beshhhnyaaaaa... ;)
bile nk belanjer.ehehee
congrats puan farr!
waahhh farr congrats!jgn lupa buat kenduri kesyukuran masa kitorg dtg nnt ehhh.hehe :)
tengkiu tengkiu.meh dtg ramai2 meh. i'll see what i can do abt the kenduri kesyukuran. ;peh.. intan, mu dtg auch oda?
ohhh bolehhhh..dah lama sangat2 x jumpa. like when are u coming back FOR REAL???my date wud most prolly be end of May next year. tehheeheh
farrrrrrrr... tahniah..even dah lmbatttttttt!!!! go msia!! i love sheikh muzaphar! lol
tiba2 ade sheikh muzaffar. muntah muntah. :p
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kak Farr,,
apa ni? mcm menang pertandingan ke? heheheh. anyhoots, congrats! wahhh a thou Eurooo. gila banyak (selepas convert). kalau x convert pun banyak jugakkkkk. huuuuuuu
germany's next top model la.
hehe. saje je tulis hadiah tu. kasi panas. ;p jom jom nnti dinner same. be4 org tu jadi puan. hehe.
tahniah farr... beshhhnyaaaaa... ;)
bile nk belanjer.ehehee
congrats puan farr!
waahhh farr congrats!
jgn lupa buat kenduri kesyukuran masa kitorg dtg nnt ehhh.hehe :)
tengkiu tengkiu.
meh dtg ramai2 meh.
i'll see what i can do abt the kenduri kesyukuran. ;p
eh.. intan, mu dtg auch oda?
ohhh bolehhhh..
dah lama sangat2 x jumpa. like when are u coming back FOR REAL???
my date wud most prolly be end of May next year. tehheeheh
farrrrrrrr... tahniah..even dah lmbatttttttt!!!! go msia!! i love sheikh muzaphar! lol
tiba2 ade sheikh muzaffar. muntah muntah. :p
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