Achtung! Abaikan rungutan di atas.
petang td.. aku dikejutkan ngan satu sms dr sorang kwn. a long lost fren. from kypm bangi. that cute lil girl, of coz i still remember her. her dimple. her husky voice. menghavockan life kat kypm yg mmg sedia kala havoc. i chose matrix@kypm over utp. stupid me? mayb. but look who i met. experiences that i gained. memories i cherish. tears and laughters we shared. irreplaceable.
you made my day, babe!
ish, apsal emotional nih? konfius konfius..
what confuses me more is.. there's no makan2 since lunch last sunday.
bley masuk book of records nih ;p

i luurrrvvveeee you all.
i'm just not good at showing it.
sedeynye hard disk rosak.. byk gegambar saya dlm tu. :(
i luurrrvvveeee you all.
i'm just not good at showing it.
sedeynye hard disk rosak.. byk gegambar saya dlm tu. :(
emo?probably it has something to do with the pain..:p
awat tade gambo aku dlm byk2 tuh??
aku xde gmbr kite berdua la.
hard disk aku kn rosak.
xpe, nanti aku kt mesia kite amek gmbr byk2 k. ari2 kite amek gmbr.
kate ko nk dok sbelah umah aku. haha!
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