done with the hardware. for now.
waiting for mamat2 bengkel utk siapkan their part of the job.
baru bley proceed.
supposed to start working on the software.
tapi seriously xde mood hari ni.
(kenapa kalau seseorg try nk rapat ngan aku, aku tend to distance myself away frm them)
so i ended-up berlegar2 d town.
met kak ayu & family.
bought myself the promised reward.
and por supuesto contact lens supaya daku tidak meraba2 bila pakai sunglasses itu.
dtg la cepat wahai org2 yg patut dtg tu. gue kangen sama lohh!
"Das Gedächtnis ist ein sonderbares Sieb. Es behält alles Gute von uns und alles Übel von den anderen."
mamafarr, sebenar benarnyer kan, sape baby tew, yg kat dlm gambar kat atas tew, yg papafatt pegang tew..tew tew
hehe. unsere anak buah la umi. kaklong farr nye anak sulung. cuteee!!
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