Sunday, December 10, 2006

one step closer

hari tu try buat karipap pusing. ala, bukan yg normal tu, tp yg ade lapis2 tu. sedap (angkat bakul.. oh plsss), tp rupenye kurang menarik. did exactly how they described on the website, but it didnt turn out that well. blame on me, newbie. wanna know a secret? licin jugak tupperware aku hari tu. shhh! hehe. and oh, another secret. aiman (kak azma's son) ate one, and then craved for more. unfortunately, none left. since then, kak azma keeps "harrassing" me for karipap. ;p

hari ni try donut plak. hmmm, no comment. sedap jek aku makan. thx to my mr zulfattah for helping me with the uli2 aidilfitri part. trust me, he's really good at it. sambil2 tu, mulut die x renti2 cite psl zmn dolu2, mase die dok tlg mak buat kuih utk jual. he's really good at it too. cute. hehe. oppsss! where was i? oo donut. mlm td, ajak geng sulzbachstrasse mkn dinner kt cni. for the 1st time. i mean, with this clan. they oso tapau the donuts. hehe. highlight of the day, abg kata donutku sedap. auuwww! thx abg, that's all i need. i lap u!

so... i declare..
that i'm officially one step closer..
to become the housewife i wanna be.


Auni said...

wahh farr..sugoiiii!!pandainya buat karipap pusing.
bagus bagus.aku dtg nanti nak request karipap pusing setupperware.muahahah

Anonymous said...

make that two.aku mau jugak!! hahaha.

u are a great person la, and u are the perfect (house)wife.

habis la fattah makin lebar ni nanti.hehe :p


fmz said...

ntah bile nye nk dtg tu. teratak burukku & karipap pusingku sentiasa menanti kehadiranmu..

jgn lerr ckp camtu. kembang i. nanti i pun melebar jugak. hehe.

btw, korang x tgk lg rupe bentuk karipap aku. kalau korang tgk, mesti mcm pikir 4 5 kali nk telan. haha!