Monday, April 30, 2007

tulang belakang rs mcm nk patah

wochenende ist wieder vorbei. schade. es war toll.

window shopping wif fadhil & dill.
jumpa kasut memikat jiwa. jumpa handbag menawan kalbu.
tp memandangkan the day be4 dh berhabisan, maka..
tengok je la yer. next time, mayb.
still mencari2 d manakah makcik itu beli handbag nye.
cantekkkk! damn.

danke vielmals 4 coming.
sorry sbb kena stay @ hotelnextdoor. *grin*

saturday nite.
not pool-nite. (ampun beribu ampun kakdora. tak terniat mengabaikanmu.)
but.. movie-nite.
(1) mukhsin (yucksss. fake. wth. *hentuk2 pale kt dinding*)
note : i hv nothing against mukhsin-fans, ok. lain org lain taste. period.
(2) qabil khusry qabil igam. (not bad la.)
watsup with "abg syg adik", "abg, adik syg abg" , "abg akan jaga adik" etc. geli. sgt lah jatuh saham hans isaac itu d mata aku. erra? forever drama-queen. *applause*

BBQ a.k.a kakdora'S "23rd" birthday celebration.
panas terik. mknn sedap. garlic bread ku laku =p. kanak2 sgt byk kerenah, tp cute.
visit : OurPicasaWebAlbum

new sunglasses. jgn jeles. =P

bila tiger woods beralih arah kpd badminton ;p

me&abg are on a v. important mission.
he told me that his goal is to buy me an audi TT my dream car.
ah he's so cute. cubit pipi kang baru tau.

Friday, April 27, 2007

terasa minggu lepas sgt singkat

one step further on our project.
done with the hardware. for now.
waiting for mamat2 bengkel utk siapkan their part of the job.
baru bley proceed.

supposed to start working on the software.
tapi seriously xde mood hari ni.
(kenapa kalau seseorg try nk rapat ngan aku, aku tend to distance myself away frm them)
so i ended-up berlegar2 d town.
met kak ayu & family.
bought myself the promised reward.
and por supuesto contact lens supaya daku tidak meraba2 bila pakai sunglasses itu.

dtg la cepat wahai org2 yg patut dtg tu. gue kangen sama lohh!

"Das Gedächtnis ist ein sonderbares Sieb. Es behält alles Gute von uns und alles Übel von den anderen."

Thursday, April 26, 2007


syukur sesgt. evrything went well 2day. lega.

meeting went well.
awal2 tu aku senyap jek. sbb byk sgt mulut nk berckp.
towards the end tu baru dpt suarakan rasa hati. haha.
it feels gr8 when what u said makes some difference.

they changed their mind. thank God!
it's going 2 be a fully STEP7 programm after all.
kind of creepy pun ada.
it's like they were right next to me when i was lying on my bed last nite, used their psychic power to read my mind. :p

aufbau dh di test.
no failure.
seldom case, bak kata prof.
selalunye mesti ade salah sana cni.
*tgh bangga ngan diri sendiri*
malu jugak ngan diri sendiri sbb tutup mata & telinga dgn gigih nya ms nk switch on power supply. takut meletop. haha. obviously i wasnt the one yg meng'ON' kan bendalah tu. thx to mr mattheis, again. ish, baik hati la mamat ni. in return, i helped him with his task. yup, believe it or not, farr membantu lab engineer. *bangga lagi* i did mention 2day is my lucky day, didnt i? ;p

note : it's a PLUS point for a guy if he allows others to help once in a while. kan?

esok pagi meeting lg. no sigh on this one.
i called my supervisor myself to set-up this meeting.
we'll discuss about our my future.
plsss, feed me with great news. ONLY great news, por favor!

cant wait for sunday!
a friend will come over. mayb.
hubby too. insya-Allah.
bbq with all the saar ppl, that i miss sooo damn much.
why why why? i cant answer that either.
does it matter??

i think i can forgive u.
i forgave u.
and pls.. jgn biar pisang berbuah 2x.

i've been working really hard these past few days.
gonna reward myself a pair of sunglasses.
nekad. nekad.
kalau ada org nk sponsor, i'll luv u even more. *hint utk abg ;p*

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

jung bleiben!

tak sampai 2 minggu lagi.
tag der wirtschaft!
presentation. takottt!
ramai student. prof. wakil2 company.
gelabah siottt!

kalis cinta.
cerekarama @ tv3.
call me loser, i dont care.
saya suka cerita itu.
saya suka que haidar adi putra.

esok pagi ade meeting ngan ppl from uni (whose project i'm working on) + prof + supervisor.
i hope they'll be satisfied with our progress, for now.
org kata, saya cepat gelabah.
adakah itu kelebihan atau kelemahan???

it was between proton AND business.
it's between proton AND business AND something else.
sbg suami yg ku sanjung dan ku puja,,
plsss decide on my behalf.
sekian tima kasih.

i hv an early day 2morrow, remember?

Sunday, April 22, 2007

weekend was superb!

ain, has, tik, nira & syikin buat house-warming.
mknn byk. org ramai. loud yet fun. kak ina dtg. sue dtg. gaya & seow chien pun ada.
nasi beriani, mee bandung, laksa, puding, seri muka, marble cheese cake etc.
kenyang. x sempat nk rasa semua.

at nite, left the house with some frens.
enjoyed nite life in frankfurt.
lepak cafe. it was full, so we had to lepak outside.
supposed to be OK, with heater & blanket.
tp abg itu sesgt hampes. the service was a turn-down.
nasib baik the company was gr8. they sure had lots to tell. we had lots to laugh about.
note : last nite was girls´ nite-out, so i left abg behind with his guy frens. pooor him. :(

luckily, he was cool with it, although his other frens had already left as we arrived home. he ended-up d alam mimpi. i hate myself for leaving him like that. but another part of me is glad and satisfied. it has been ages since i last hang-out with my girls. and did i tell u he was totally cool with evrything? he is indeed the best hubby in the world.

souvenir from the host. cute!

am done with shopaholic & baby. thx to wawa for lending me hers.
very interesting. real. funny. sad. blablabla. all in one.
i guess sophie will come out with "shopaholic & the house" soon.
wa, if u´re reading this, aku chop pinjam next shopaholic ok? hehe. danke im voraus!!

some frens of mine did ask what do i do for my thesis/final yr project.
i wont bore u with the details.
make ur own conclusion with the pic below. *grin*

and now.
would you excuse me, pls.
nk g kacau org yg tgh lena tidoq tu.
we only have less than 4 hrs left together.
so, x kira, nk kacau jugak.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

face the reality!

@ his crib.
he cooked.
we talked.
i cried.
we talked.
i cried.
we had dinner 2gether.
we laughed.
snoozed off in each others´ arms.

asam garam rumahtangga.
baiki kelemahan diri, hargai kebaikan org lain.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

shop til u drop

benci conrad. syg elektrohandel mettler.
ape kejadah jual brg 5x lg mahal.
tak baik tau aniaya org.
tengkiu encik mattheis sbb sudi jd supir kitorang.
p/s : i'm sorry you guys broke up. :(

i remember the chat i had with kakdora..

me : bestnye dh weekend.
kakdora : bestnye? xbest la sbb dh wiken. keje byk lg x siap.
me : ?!&%§$%??%&§ *blur*

well. now i know exactly how she felt. *sigh*

current mode : tvshows marathon & main Quadrapop (new addiction) to keep me oocupied, so that i can "forget" about this p****d pain i'm suffering from.

apa pandang²?? ade utang ke?

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

tak paham

forgive her.
be4 it's too late.

i need a full body massage!
right here. right now.
por favor.

our newly born niece.
and yes, i still miss Qiss like hell. :(

4 mails from malaysia.
from MARA.
from liza.

takut kehilangan seorg kwn.
persahabatan antara benua.
will u be my BFF forever?

how can you tell ur mom..
that you r a lil kid no more..
WITHOUT hurting her feelings?

one day.
u'll look back and realize.
how often you let opportunities pass you by.


Sunday, April 15, 2007



my saturday was gr8. bright. sunny. we had lunch @ nordsee, and ended-up staying at that outdoor table until 5 p.m. doing nothing but chatting. Fortunately the table was a lil bit far frm the restaurant itself, so kitorang x kena halau la. ;p

and to cap it all, we joined the other Saarbrueckeners for dinner @ kakdora'S. sangat kekenyangan kitorang melahap daging arnab msk lemak cili api. heaven. million thx to kakdora (the cook) & godi (sponsor daging arnab). serious sedap kakdora masak. ( i hope she doesnt read this coz she kembang-ed enough already last night. :D)

last but not least..

to our beloved mama

u've been a great mom!

note : we called both mamas this weekend, and they both asked if we already packed our things or not. u guys know what they were saying, right? :P

Thursday, April 12, 2007

2 dear frens of mine turn 25 today!!



Kwnku d utara sana,, MiSS Suedasszyy!!


my long-lost fren frm kypm bangi,, MiSS Harleena!!

Semoga panjang umur, murah rezeki dan di bwh lindungan-Nya selalu.


'problems' with MARA is almost solved,, thx to ketua bandar Saarbruecken yg berkaliber, cik dilla kita. *applause* suddenly i can feel that my our life next year wont be this easy. no more waiting 4 the scholars, which amount is not bad, i shud say. argh! thinking of it alone hurts my spine. haha!

less than a year,, and then,, welcome to reality!! *sigh*

'It is the same to them whether you warn them, or you do not warn them. They will not believe.'

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

melepas rindu pd haziQ & faRis

setelah sekian lama,, dpt gk main2 ngan 2 beradik yg macho ini.
thx 2 dill & of course kak ayu.. yg sudi meneman.. ;p

note : ini kisah semlm


hari ni aku happy.
thesis-thingy went well.
thx to fadh,, i feel a lot better.
abg was sesgt ceria on the phone.
things went well with him too.
he played football with his colleagues. he sounded so healthy. ;p
after work, melepas rindu with haziQ&fariS lagi.
dinner @ kak ayu'S,, ketam msk sambal,, yummy!!
thesis-thingy went well.
thesis-thingy went well.
thesis-thingy went well.
Semoga hari2 mendtg lebih baik dr hari ini.

..he completes me..

Monday, April 9, 2007

esok keje *sigh*

just got back frm rheim.
hish. why do i always feel this way??
feeling that i could/should be a far better wife than i was a few days ago (when me&him were under the same roof).
i did all the basics that typical housewives do.
i treated him the way a wife shud.
i made him smile.
but still...
it was never enough 4 me.

answer me, will ya!
shud i try harder?
am i just being paranoid?
and last but not least...
was it enough for him? :(

Saturday, April 7, 2007

aku telah dimadukan!!

my man got his long over dued birthday present, which he had to go buy himself.
i feel a lil bit abandoned, as it replaced me as his baby at the moment.
but on second thought..
i know i got him something he really really likes.
and you girls out there know it as well as i do.. it´s not that easy.

it's a multifunction center (note : with fax maschine!!) with integrated network card & auto feeder.

happy belated birthday abg!
sorry, i cant afford an AUDI R8. :(

Friday, April 6, 2007

the proton clan

missing home even more!

i told mama about proton offer letter.
this is how she replied my sms...

"yea yea! bestnye. bleh dok ngan ma & abah. abah beli umah baru. tgh renovate, tmbh bilik utk kakngah. insya-Allah bln 8 pindah."

me&abg cudnt believe it until this second. refering to the way my mom decorated our current casa, i really think moving out is not anymore in their to-do-list/wishlist.

personally, this is big 4 me. we´ve been living there 4 like almost 12 yrs. tmn hijau is where i became a teenager, and now a woman, i can say. dont get me wrong. i´m happy 4 them. i cant wait to see our new casa, the kampung-to-be for our yet-to-be-born-children. hehe!

i hope my cousins dont do bloghopping, else they´ll be reading this.
this moving-out thing is supposed to be a secret to our relatives. shhhh!!!

Wednesday, April 4, 2007


blogku cayang,
sungguh ku x bermaksud utk mengabaikan mu...

waduh. rs mcm dh lama sgt meninggalkan dunia blog ni. uppss, i mean dunia blogging. i still read others' blogs on regular basis though. manusia ni.. mcm2 adaaa! so are their blogs. some lead a normal student life, some a glamorous one, some with non-stop dramas.. and the list goes on. start blog-hopping guys! u'll be in luv with it in no time. ;p

so. many things had happened since the last time i blogged. hmmm.. where shud i start.

# 16th of March was abg's birthday. suprised him with dinner. he was really suprised, i tell u. even throughout the dinner. the gift? NO. there was no gift. note : ini kind of normal la between us. slalunya kitorang go shopping together 4 her/his present, or at least ask directly apa dia nak. oh my God! sudah suku abad rupanya suamiku ini. ;p

# start buat thesis. akhirnya, aku di phase terakhir of my studies. honestly, aku stress gile. hari2 rasa nk pecah otak. i'm not exaggerating, i really am not. the fact that our own supervisor is not so familiar with the software that we r working with really brings our motivation down.
but we'll be through it.

# smalam gi interview proton kat cologne. last minute decision. alhamdulillah, dh dpt offer letter. abg as well. at first, the tuan haji said he can only take one of us. i didnt really understand why, coz he made it clear that there'S no policy whatsoever stated that both hubby&wifey cant work together in proton. in fact, masa isi borang tu kitorang pilih 2 different department. tapi, at last, dia bg jugak kt 2-2. breakfast @ hilton was great. sbb free. haha! kwn2 were great too. the interview itself was ok. relax. stress sket being the forth last. proton city tg malim,, here we come!! (ermm, ekceli, proton is kindof our back-up plan. shhh!!) and oh, lupa lak nak mention, tuan haji tu is Gmin's uncle. note : Gmin itu ialah kwn smapl ku. betapa dunia ini kerdil.

# daku sakit2 belakang, kaki, tangan dan seluruh anggota. adoiii! sebabnya last weekend main badminton nearly 2 hrs non-stop. inilah aku, kalau main badminton ke, pool ke, bowling ke, hape ke.. mmg susah nk berenti. abg knows me very well.

# contract ngan MARA sudah expired, tapi alhamdulillah.. smbgn dh diluluskan. and am waiting 4 the official letter dr miss shikin from MARA. cepat la sket kak oi. dh 4 hari jd pendtg asing ni. (note: i need that letter to renew my visa). tolonglah dia baca blogku ini. haha! in ur dream farr.

# watched mr bean @ frankfurt. haha! funny. rase mcm kejap je cite tu. tup tup dh habis. over khusyuk plak. abg.. of course bergelak ketawa ngan heavennye. rs mcm bergema satu cinema tu ngan gelak die. hoho. tapi nachos die x sedap langsung. uwekk. dh la mahal. chettt!

and the list goes on.
saya mahu sambung tengok datin diaries. cerita boring, tapi pelakon hebat2. layannn je la. ciao cin chowww!

mengapakah tiket2 flight sgt mencekik darah?? *sigh*