Wednesday, January 31, 2007

syeronok plak buat bendalah ni *grin*

5o cent? oh my God!!!

esok genapla 4 thn aku kt german ;p

i'm tagging..
sharia, wawa, kaydee, lize, ayu, fadhil, lisa and kaknannoor.
**update : i'm tagging u too, umie. hehe.
buat. jgn tak buat.
i miss my bestfren like h*ll.
here's ur celebrity collage, ma-g ;p
(gmbr dicilok dr puan estli)

jang nara tuuu. jgn main². hehe.

huh! after 4 years..
i'm still struggling for a DEGREE.
tapi.. lg lama pun xpe kot.
selagi ade org sponsor.
shhhhhh!! ;p

tapi. nk balik jugak!!!
ish farr.
x reti2 nk bersyukur.

happy anniversary to dill, farah, fariz, godi & hamka.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

hari ini..

i did it!
akhirnya aku manage siapkn task tu.
simple.. but of coz with a lil twist.
it took me 2 days to figure out how where when the twist is.
2 days?
tak la lama sgt. kan?
since i'm done with mine, i helped my colleague with his task.
be4 balik td mcm dh dpt idea, but had 2 rush.
takut x sempat asar.
esok settle lg satu task.
self satisfaction bebeh!

my kari ayam was a hit. hehe.
masing2 menambah.
x cukup ngan nasik.
kakdora & kakyam siap test power ngan roti lg.
sambil tgk erin brockovich.
sambil minum hot tea.

but still..
without my other half.
du fehlst mir, schatz!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Monday, January 22, 2007

bila farr tgh bosannn..

[Last ] letter of ur name?
A la.. aiyooo soklan mcm ni pun ade ke.

[ Last ] thing you ate?
ayam msk kunyitzz

[ Last ] thing u drank?
ice tea lemon.. new addiction bebeh! tp yg PLUS nye la. yg ALDI nye tak sedap.

[ Last ] song you listened to?
samsonS.. aku yg lemah tanpa mu.. teka la lagu ape ;p

[ Last ] movie you watched?
happy feet. cute la mambo tu.

[ Last ] TV show you watched?
desperate housewives. jahat tau elma tu. pastu.. kesian tau gabriel tu.

[ Last ] person who sent you an sms?
neyna. my lindau fren. ;p

[ Last ] time you cleaned your room?
hmmm. hari2 pun kemas. tp kalau spring clean tu ade la dlm sebulan lepas. *grin*

[ Last ] CD/Cassette bought?
kalau tak silap... cd in-team.. when? 2 tahun lepas. hihi. sejak ade internet 24hrs ni, x pandang dh cd2 ni. shhhhhhh!!!

[ Last ] time you cried?
aaaaa errrrr urmmmm. ish series tak ingat. tp ms tengok happy feet for the 2nd time smalam, nyaris2 nk nangis la.

[ Last ] person who you chatted online?
encik rafis. be4 tu kakdora.

[ Last ] website you browsed?
blog ntahsapentah. tempat daku mengcopy bendalah survey ni la. kata tgh bosannn :p

[ Last ] time you shopped?
last saturday. ngan kakdoraz n kakyamz. xde la shopping bagai nk rak pun. angkut hair dryer satu je.

[ Last ] person you hated?
elma dlm desperate hsewives tu la. keji tau die. syaitonnn!!

[ Last ] person u were thinking of?
si elma tu la.

[ Last ] time u fell sick?
6 hrs ago. fenin sesgt. ngadap pc dr pagi.. ni la padahnye. what 2 do. keje nye psl. tp x sabar nk g keje esok. sbb mcm dh dpt idea nk solve prob tu cane. *off topic sat*

[ Last ] person u chatted on the phone?
my bestfriend a.k.a hubby.. i lap u!

[ Last ] place you went to?
honestly? toilet. hehe.

[ Last ] friend you met?
friends @ work.

pembetulan ye tuan2 dan puan2..

from last entry.
ntah dr mana aku dpt info yg dusta ini.
actually.. both cakes were made by kakazma.
i wont say bake.
becoz she didnt really bake them. shhhh!!
nice touch-up, btw. ;p
tapi dill still contributed.
of course.
dill msk roti jala & kari ayam.
sedapp wa ckp same lu.

itu saja pembetulannya.
sorry 4 the inconvinience. (ish susahnye nk eja perkataan ni!)


ok. i'm gonna paste a website excerpt.
this might be weird.
might be useful for some of you.
insya-Allah.. dr sumber yg bley dipercayai ;p

selamat pengantin baru?
oppss, too early.
selamat meniti sisa2 hidup bujang.
better :p

Sunday, January 21, 2007

the day i'm having cups and cups of tea ;p

coz it's the day of doing nothing.
being lazy. watching movie. relaxing. gr8!

yesterday's party was a blast.
faris turned 1 a few days ago.
it was kinda funny coz he didnt understand a thing.
didnt realise the party was for him.
maintain blur all the way.
kak ayu is indeed a good cook.
we had.. nasi + tomyam, roti jala + kari, bihun sup and pulut.
and also 2 cakes.. supposed 2 be birthday cakes.. credits to kak azma n dill.
i wonder if we'll be having another party next month, or not.
haziq will turn 3 on the 13th of feb.
kak ayu.. a hint 4 you, ok. ;p

bergmbr ngan kek2 be4 serbu

faris & abahnye

eh.. tgu ape lg.. mkn lerrr!!

faris & umi nye

ayman & luqman.. sons of kak zama & abg akim

birthday boy yg chomottt

happy family

kanak2 kalau jumpe belon..


dimanakah saya?

faris dan birthday gift nye

Thursday, January 18, 2007

settle down in germany?

u r not the first one who asked. ;p

jwpn kpd soalan di atas..
tak tau la laboo. kalau boleh, tak nak. hujan emas di tanah orang, hujan batu di tanah sendiri. or something like that. rs mcm pelik jek bunyi nye. but u guys know what i mean rite?

we've discussed about this. i gave my opinions, expressed my feelings.
the rest is his decision.
saya hanya menurut.
rezeki ada kt mana2 kan. ;p


at 2 a.m. the other day my sister woke me up with 6 missed calls and 1 sms.

"call klong jap. urgent"

dgn keadaan mamai, aku bgn bukak pc.. "beli" calling card online. of coz @ my hubby's suriacards (promote sat ;p). call klong sambil berpeluh2. gelabah seh, wondering ape la yg jadi.
adik bongsu aku, sha, accident. terkejut btol aku. my kaklong was driving when i called. she headed straight to tg malim from work. note : she works at kuantan, ok. sha patah kaki. admitted to hospital slim river. siannye die. saksi2 kata, it wasnt sha's fault. salah that guy, yg drive gen2 yg die baru dpt dlm sebulan. damn u. kalau nk menunjuk ngan keta baru pun, jgn lerr susah kn org lain. am still waiting 4 update frm my kaklong. harap2 sume ok.

argghh! i h8 being 10000km away frm them!!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

i better update be4 this blog berabuk ;p

nothing new at work. stucked macam biasa. tp hari ni extra blur sbb ponteng kan smalam. padan muka. actually, bukan sengaja nk ponteng. mcm biasa.. that pain again. so, printed some manuals, asked my colleague this and that. still, not so much of help. dont blame him though. if i were him, i dont know where to start either. my handsome yet garang supervisor was busy, as usual. gelabah sebenarnye nak tanya dia, sebab.. ermm.. tak tau apa nak tanya. i could hv done it my way. which means, trial & error. but... we're talking about EUR 1600++ microbox-pc here, tuan2 dan puan2 sekelian. with my 0.001% know-how.. tambah tolak bahagi darab.. there's 99,999% chance of not just malfunction.. but severe damage.

Achtung! Abaikan rungutan di atas.


petang td.. aku dikejutkan ngan satu sms dr sorang kwn. a long lost fren. from kypm bangi. that cute lil girl, of coz i still remember her. her dimple. her husky voice. menghavockan life kat kypm yg mmg sedia kala havoc. i chose matrix@kypm over utp. stupid me? mayb. but look who i met. experiences that i gained. memories i cherish. tears and laughters we shared. irreplaceable.

you made my day, babe!

ish, apsal emotional nih? konfius konfius..

what confuses me more is.. there's no makan2 since lunch last sunday.
bley masuk book of records nih ;p

i luurrrvvveeee you all.
i'm just not good at showing it.

sedeynye hard disk rosak.. byk gegambar saya dlm tu. :(

Thursday, January 11, 2007

cuteyy ;p

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

tak payah la boh tajuk

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

saye nk g honeymoon kt langkawi lagiii..
tolong la ciptakan pintu doraemon utk saye..
or just take us there..
by any mean..

Monday, January 8, 2007


akhirnya.. i moved one step ahead in my life!
what i did, let it remain a secret for now.
dah lama aku nk buat benda ni... tp hanya tinggal harapan je.
hari ni..
angin xde, ribut xde..
i did it!!
it's nothing big, but enough to make me proud of myself.
even my hubby was shocked.
and then.. being him...
he encouraged me more, told me how proud he is of me..
told me he loves me even more for what i did..

i'm on top of the world!!!
always wanna be...
Ya Allah, semoga aku mampu istiqamah.. Ameen.

Sunday, January 7, 2007

try this ;p

Mengapa Cincin Pernikahan Harus Disarungkan di Jari Manis??

1. Pertama, tunjukkan telapak tangan anda, jari tengah ditekuk ke dalam (lihat gambar)

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

2. Kemudian, 4 jari yang lain pertemukan ujungnya.

3. Permainan dimulai, 5 pasang jari tetapi hanya 1 pasang yang tidak terpisahkan...

4. Cubalah membuka ibu jari anda, ibu jari menwakili orang tua, ibu jari bisa dibuka kerana semua manusia mengalami sakit dan mati. Dengan demikian orang tua kita akan meninggalkan kita suatu hari nanti.

5. Tutup kembali ibu jari anda, kemudian buka jari telunjuk anda, jari telunjuk mewakili kakak dan adik anda, mereke memiliki keluarga sendiri, sehingga mereka juga akan meninggalkan kita.

6. sekarang tutup kembali jari telunjuk anda, buka jari kelingking, yang mewakili anak2. cepat atau lambat anak2 juga akan meninggalkan kita.

7. selanjutnya, tutup jari kelingking anda, bukalah jari manis anda tempat di mana kita menaruh cincin perkawinan anda, anda akan heran kerana jari tersebut tidak akan bisa dibuka. Kerana jari manis mewakili suami dan istri, selama hidup anda dan pasangan anda akan terus melekat satu sama lain.

p/s : just 4 fun.. ;p

Saturday, January 6, 2007

new year, new look.. why not?

jgn slh sangka. bukan new look pd urs truly, tp my crib. ;p

sabtu kali ni, aku start ngan shopping spree @ aldi with sis dora. uish, sampai senget2 bahu usung balik umah. otw tu sempat singgah DM plak. memborong alat2 mekap utk bilik air. seriously rambang mata. very detail la org2 german ni. utk setiap benda ade jek pencuci nye. kain buruk toksah cakap la. utk blk air ade la dlm 5 6 jenis. utk kitchen x kire lg tu. nasib baik la appartment ku sekangkang kera. kalau tak, boronggggg!!

ptg plak, sambung shopping lg. kali ni kt kedai depan umah je. x menarik sangat. ntah sbb per. brg2 die membosankan. and then teman kakdora g kedai bunga. die nk beli bunga as buah tgn. ade dinner kt umah prof dia tonite. (sebenarnye dia mim-alif-lam-sin nk pegi.. shhhhhh!!!)

oh.. look what i got 4 myself ;p

later that evening i pimped my appartmenttt!! letih bangettt tp puas hati.

p/s : wawa, i pun ade "penelope cruz". hehe ;p

Friday, January 5, 2007

frohes neues jahr!

tahun baru, azam baru. sebenarnye aku ni hari2 ade azam baru. ada yg berjaya dicapai (wpun hanya utk beberapa hari/minggu), ade yg sampai sudah tinggal azam. tp aku xkan bosan berazam. bg aku, bile ade azam, baru la ade hala tuju. hala tuju in agama, in studies, at work, in life. hala tuju in evrything.

azam2 aku.. ade yg aku bgtau kt org, ade yg aku bgtau kat hubby aku jek, ade jugak yg aku simpan sendiri. aku cite kt org, dgn harapan diorang ingatkan aku bile aku terlupa. kejutkan aku bile aku tertido.(familiar ekkk line ni ;p) utk benda2 yg agak personal, alhamdulillah, ade suami utk ingatkan. kalau ada yg tertanya-tanya, aku x penah menyesal, walau sedikit, kawen pd usia yg agak muda (pinjam ayat novel). malah... rs untung & bersyukur.

aku... nk nilai setiap sesuatu dr sudut berbeza. tu azam yg aku tnm dr minggu lepas. kire azam tahun baru la ni ;p. kalau dulu, bile org ntah sape2 jeling2 aku, aku fikir diorang x suka islam. better said, x suka org pakai tudung. tp after this aku akan conclude yg diorang tgh pms. kalau lelaki, pmk. aku xtau pmk stands for ape. tp rafis slalu cakap, laki x pms, tapi pmk. whateva. or mayb diorang br lepas kena marah ngan boss diorang. or wallet diorang hilang. or br clash ngan gf/bf. or or or. get it? x paham, nvm. fyi, my mr zulfattah slalu ingatkan aku psl ni. slalu tlg aku buang pemikiran pesimis aku nih. ich liebe dich!

ingatkan aku yer...

p/s : excuse the ayat2 skema ok.

oh btw, gambar2 latest kt cni yer!!