Monday, February 19, 2007

carnival ;p

it began last thursday (Weiberfasching... Krawattenalarm!!)
sape yg pakai tie on that day... too bad guys! mahal mana pun tie korang, still kena potong by the ladies. yeahh! riuh rendah ofis hari tu dgn adegan kejar mengejar between mangsa & pemangsa. haha.

ties yg menjadi mangsa ;p

last weekend was hectic. me&abg helped all 4 frankfurt girls pindah randah. abg drove, and me menjadi navigator. from ruesselsheim to ikea @ wallau. from ikea to frankfurt (3 times). from ginnheim to griesheim (3 times), from holzgrabben to griesheim and back to ruesselsheim. tiring.. kena angkat brg2 naik 3rd floor (note : no lift whatsoever)...but it was fun. talking to my hubby in the car.. with music on the backgrd... perfecto! singgah kt mcd drive-thru.. super perfect! it was sooo hard 2 say goodbye to him on sunday. :(

love of my life (view dr dlm train)

hari ni g keje mcm biasa.. dgn lenguh sendi tulang urat sume. pastu ngantuk yg amat sgt. huarghh! but 2day is rosenmontag. some of my officemates dtg ngan costumes. at 1 p.m. ade kind of perarakan @ burbach. kena keje *sigh*

tema pdg pasir. siap bg salam lg tu.

duit dinar pun ade. gigih.. gigih.. ;p

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

pretty obvious, huh?

i suffer again today.

The pain of periods is caused by contractions of the uterus or womb, similar to those of another 'normal' pain women suffer - during labour.

Mild contractions constantly pass through the muscular wall of the womb, although most women are unaware of them. During menstruation, however, they are stronger than normal and during labour they're stronger still.

Each contraction causes the blood supply to the womb to be temporarily cut down as the blood vessels in the muscle wall are compressed. As the tissues are starved of oxygen, chemicals that trigger pain are released.

At the same time the body is also releasing chemicals called prostaglandins, which induce stronger contractions and which may directly cause pain in the womb. As the contractions get stronger, so the pain increases.

The aim of these contractions is to help the womb shed its delicate lining (as a period or bleed), so a new lining can be grown ready for a fertilised egg to implant itself. This is an essential part of female fertility, but pain is a side effect.

felt better after taking the painkiller and vomit (yuckkss!!).
and do i still hv to tell u what i did after that? *big grin*
note : i like the pink+lightgreen combination!

* got this frm my sis. she's a math lecturer. i pity her. ;p


Tuesday, February 13, 2007

what a day!

started my day, not @ siemens (yess!!!), but @ FH listening to talks on siemens products by representatives frm siemens nuernberg (daku mmg ditakdirkan dgn siemens ini la). from fail-safe devices, visualisation with wincc to different types of industrial communication. at first, i thought i'll be bored to death. but it turned out to be not bad at all. in fact, i found it very interesting. bla bla bla. next thing i know, there i was, talking to one of the presenter (who looks like jon bonjovi n had his ear pierced) about profinet, peripheral devices, netpro and whatnots. haha! way to go farr!

later i had mushroom soup 4 lunch. zuhur. n off 2 work. *sigh* dont get me wrong. i like it there... but on one condition. plllsssss keep me occupied, mr supervisor! boring la hari2 siapkan report yg ntah bile nye nk siap tu.

after work, i went to the public library. (mimpi apakah daku??) i got this book, about relationship and love (ingat bf/gf je ke berchenta? ;p) i saw @ thalia's the other day, in mind. xde la pulak. switched to english books section. john grisham's .. tak minat. patricia cornwell's as well. shopaholic? great!! tapi.. ties the knot. damn. dh baca. ish. susah btol. g kt area biography plak. jgn harap la nk jumpa "that extra half an inch" or "burnt toast : and other philosophies of life" kan. at last, g kt bhgn comics. pinjam babyblues best gak. maka daku pun merembat 4 comic babyblues. after all the fuss of turun naik sampai lenguh kaki... baru sedar yg aku x bwk kad library pun sebenarnye. arghhhh!! terasa nk ketuk pale kt dinding time tu jugak. even worse, i dont remember taking that card out of my purse. alaaaa, hilang ke.. MAMA!!!!!

here i am. blogging sambil tgk tim maelzer (german version of jamie oliver). multi-tasking, ahaks! berselera nya tgk sayur campur yg die msk tu. btw, hari ni nk tido awal.. sb ngantukkk sgttt!!!

last but not least..
abg, take me out 4 dinner kt cni, plssss ;p

p/s : teringinnnnn sgt nk try bake cupcakes, pastu decorate ngan colorful toppings.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

"investment" of da week!

harsh upgrade! from no heels to 2".
ampun ma-g.. sahabatmu ini tak berjaya mencari heels 1" yg menawan kalbu.
i'll update later, with tragedy2 terjelepok/terpele'ot di khalayak ramai.

off topic,,
saye windu lah sama ini cute 'penguin'. hehe ;p

Saturday, February 10, 2007

schoenes wochenende!

What fashion designer fits you

DKNY: Classic with clean edges and very business like. You don't like to get outrageous or overly boisterous. Keep It Simple is your motto and you do it well.
Take this quiz!

Friday, February 9, 2007

rindu itu adalah anugerah dr Allah..

Cahaya cinta menyinar
Berkilauanlah selautan kasih bercahaya
Bagaikan butiran permata
Seolah-olah terapung di permukaannya

Daku menjejaki pantai rindu
Mengutip kasih yang terdampar
Kau merantaikannya satu demi satu
Dengan kasih sayangmu
Kini menjadi kalungan azimat cintaku

Walau tidak dibasahi hujan
Namun tempiasnya menyegarkan
Biarpun rembulan tidak di ribaan
Namun cahayanya cukup menerangi bayangan

Harumlah cinta di jiwa
Sewangi kasturi syurgawi
Semoga bahgia jadi milik kita
Nan abadi selama-lamanya

Daku menjejaki pantai rindu
Menyaksikan rintihan berlalu
Ombak resah menghempasi diri
Hanyutkanlah kedukaan
Bawalah jauh daripada bayangan

Andai sinar mentari
Terlindung di balik redupan awanan
Yang berlabuh
Singkaplah tirai kasihmu
Agar bisa ia menyinarkan cahayanya
Untuk kita berdua

Monday, February 5, 2007

sorry.. irresistible ;p

ABPBH 2006

am in the middle of watching ABPBH 2006. paused 4 maghrib actually, tp xde mood lak nk sambung balik. blogging is the best remedy. haha!

hmm judging the first half.. ok la. not bad. rata2 the performances were ok. some were gr8. the rock trio 4 example. selalunye rockers kapak yg dok merosakkan majlis kan. but not this time. wpun i didnt know the song, "musibah" if i'm not mistaken, but i enjoyed it. the last time i heard rahim maarof sing was like.. ermm... yearssss ago. ning, nikki, noryn (who the h*ll is she anyway?) and dayang is a superb combination. again, x penah dgr lagu "membodek habib jewels" "diamonds are forever" tu. tapi kan, that noryn, who ever she is, sang vewy vewy well. sesuwaii ngan lagu. khafi? buwekk! nyanyi live K.O. yg lain2, no comment la.

arghhh. here i am. mengarut psl showbiz. huhu haha.
tapi nk sambung lagi.. ;p

ogy, i like. except 4 the fact yg tudung die dh ala2 nk terbang melyg bersama angin bayu. kak engku plak.. hmmm. high pitch sgt la suara die. but both are very the selamba la. perkara yg plg menyampah ialah... lawak2 datuk K. dlm 1st half td ade la dlm 3 kali org dok sebut nama die. demm. nyampah la. stop it plzzzz.

erkkk! ade org ring la.
it was kakdora & kakazma. dtg melawat. ;p

i think i better stop mengarut and continue watching abp smpi tertido. haha! worst case scenario.. i pause again, and sambung my sesi kutuk mengutuk personal review kt cni. :p

p/s : i bet my hubby's still @ his office right now. rajinnye die ;p

Myspace Icons

Sunday, February 4, 2007

malaysian food festival?

we had roti canai telur + dalca 4 breakfast. yg home-made nye ok. kalau segera, tak kuasa nk kecoh kt cni. hehe. the best part is, i got the chance to tebar the dough myself. huhu. dh lame teringin. tercapai gk akhirnye. ade la dlm 5 biji. of coz wif no style at all, but who cares.. janji ade rupa. the taste? yummyyyy! credits to kakazma and not to forget

4 lunch. laksa penang, i tell u. again, thx and credits muchacha to kakazma, host of the day. personally, i think it was perrffeecttt! although laksa nya agak slim, resemble bihun, tapi enak sih. lg sedap plak bile mkn ngan laksa halus2 cam2. kuahnye mantap. be4 the guys and kak ayu sampai kitorang dh QC siap2 kt dapur. ( note : QC pun, habis sepinggan jugak ;p) lepas tu, makan lg 3 pinggan. kenyang nye sampai sekarang. sgt puas hati.

as for side dish, we had (1) pau kaya & kacang hitam, ladies n gentlemen. made by jamie-oliver-to-be me! and oh, kakazma made the kacang hitam. and the kaya from encik yeos. hehe. aftermath? sold out la. *kembang sebentar* (2) murtabak, made by kak ayu. sedap. nyesal tak bwk kari ikan (leftover from yesterday), kalau tak.. mesti lg layannn. hmmm. did i miss anything? nope. i think that was it. kenyang. kenyang. kenyang.

readers in malaysia some of you might think it was nothing. ala, setakat roti telur, laksa, pau n murtabak tu... kt mane2 pun ade.


they are "heaven" to us. ;p

p/s : pics will be uploaded later, since my hubby took our canon 350d baby with him. :(


another p/s: did u guys see my brand-new pink shoutbox? feel free to leave ur footprint behind ;p