Sunday, January 21, 2007

the day i'm having cups and cups of tea ;p

coz it's the day of doing nothing.
being lazy. watching movie. relaxing. gr8!

yesterday's party was a blast.
faris turned 1 a few days ago.
it was kinda funny coz he didnt understand a thing.
didnt realise the party was for him.
maintain blur all the way.
kak ayu is indeed a good cook.
we had.. nasi + tomyam, roti jala + kari, bihun sup and pulut.
and also 2 cakes.. supposed 2 be birthday cakes.. credits to kak azma n dill.
i wonder if we'll be having another party next month, or not.
haziq will turn 3 on the 13th of feb.
kak ayu.. a hint 4 you, ok. ;p

bergmbr ngan kek2 be4 serbu

faris & abahnye

eh.. tgu ape lg.. mkn lerrr!!

faris & umi nye

ayman & luqman.. sons of kak zama & abg akim

birthday boy yg chomottt

happy family

kanak2 kalau jumpe belon..


dimanakah saya?

faris dan birthday gift nye

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