Tuesday, February 13, 2007

what a day!

started my day, not @ siemens (yess!!!), but @ FH listening to talks on siemens products by representatives frm siemens nuernberg (daku mmg ditakdirkan dgn siemens ini la). from fail-safe devices, visualisation with wincc to different types of industrial communication. at first, i thought i'll be bored to death. but it turned out to be not bad at all. in fact, i found it very interesting. bla bla bla. next thing i know, there i was, talking to one of the presenter (who looks like jon bonjovi n had his ear pierced) about profinet, peripheral devices, netpro and whatnots. haha! way to go farr!

later i had mushroom soup 4 lunch. zuhur. n off 2 work. *sigh* dont get me wrong. i like it there... but on one condition. plllsssss keep me occupied, mr supervisor! boring la hari2 siapkan report yg ntah bile nye nk siap tu.

after work, i went to the public library. (mimpi apakah daku??) i got this book, about relationship and love (ingat bf/gf je ke berchenta? ;p) i saw @ thalia's the other day, in mind. xde la pulak. switched to english books section. john grisham's .. tak minat. patricia cornwell's as well. shopaholic? great!! tapi.. ties the knot. damn. dh baca. ish. susah btol. g kt area biography plak. jgn harap la nk jumpa "that extra half an inch" or "burnt toast : and other philosophies of life" kan. at last, g kt bhgn comics. pinjam babyblues best gak. maka daku pun merembat 4 comic babyblues. after all the fuss of turun naik sampai lenguh kaki... baru sedar yg aku x bwk kad library pun sebenarnye. arghhhh!! terasa nk ketuk pale kt dinding time tu jugak. even worse, i dont remember taking that card out of my purse. alaaaa, hilang ke.. MAMA!!!!!

here i am. blogging sambil tgk tim maelzer (german version of jamie oliver). multi-tasking, ahaks! berselera nya tgk sayur campur yg die msk tu. btw, hari ni nk tido awal.. sb ngantukkk sgttt!!!

last but not least..
abg, take me out 4 dinner kt cni, plssss ;p

p/s : teringinnnnn sgt nk try bake cupcakes, pastu decorate ngan colorful toppings.


Sustain and Develop said...

jadi ketuk kepale x kat dinding??
x amik ke numbur tepon abg ala bon jovi tuh??

fmz said...

mesti la tak hantuk.
waras lg.. insya-Allah. hehe.
ala... lupe nk amek fon number die. demm. kalau ade, umi nk ke? haha!

Anonymous said...

me too!! those cupcakes nmpk mcm best kan.hehe.

wawa said...

betul..tu misi saya selepas abis exam..best gile nampak..tapi,kene beli bende yg hiasan tu plus tempat nk bentuk krim tu..=(

fadh said...

why dont we tried it out together ke?hehehe.crazy and menyusahkan idea but it'll be fun!! exam abes bile miss wawa?

fmz said...

fadh & wawa,
sgt la menarik cupcakes tu. kaler2. nmpk sedap. pastu leh decorate sesuka hati. mcm kalau spoil sket, xde la rosak satu kek tros kan.

btw, icing bag tu aku ade. dolu2 beli konon nk try buat. hehe. hiasannye... hmm... chocchips jek x leh ke? xpun boh haselnuss yg hancur2 tu ke. icing dh kalerful kan. so, x kesah la.

ish. korang ni biaq btoi. meh la dtg cni. kite wat. ala dh excited dh ni. hehe. korang dh abis exam ke???

Sustain and Develop said...

ya Allah..umi yg terliur lebey2 kat sini..koraaaang nihhh..masyuuk laaa
sluurrpppppp..(saliva droolllssss)

ps- naaaakk numbu tepon dieeeee

fmz said...

nanti kitorang pos sket kt umi. (ayat x ikhlas) haha.

nk no fon die??? ni ha farr bg.

bak kata sepul apek.. 014-tekan tekan tak dpt. hehe.