Monday, April 9, 2007

esok keje *sigh*

just got back frm rheim.
hish. why do i always feel this way??
feeling that i could/should be a far better wife than i was a few days ago (when me&him were under the same roof).
i did all the basics that typical housewives do.
i treated him the way a wife shud.
i made him smile.
but still...
it was never enough 4 me.

answer me, will ya!
shud i try harder?
am i just being paranoid?
and last but not least...
was it enough for him? :(


fadh said...

i believe you did try your best. you are having your lifetime with him, dont worry much and enjoy whatever it is you are doing for him. when you put your heart into something, people can sense it somehow.

huhu.siapalah aku utk berkata2 begini.

fmz said...

danke babe!
sgt touching ayat2 mu itu.
feelin' a lot better.

wawa said...

oh..tentu saja kamu ini bini cemerlang*sila baca dengan nada indon sengau*

fmz said...

cemerlang bagai juara!!
(baca mcm iklan MILO ke hape ntah tu)