Thursday, April 19, 2007

shop til u drop

benci conrad. syg elektrohandel mettler.
ape kejadah jual brg 5x lg mahal.
tak baik tau aniaya org.
tengkiu encik mattheis sbb sudi jd supir kitorang.
p/s : i'm sorry you guys broke up. :(

i remember the chat i had with kakdora..

me : bestnye dh weekend.
kakdora : bestnye? xbest la sbb dh wiken. keje byk lg x siap.
me : ?!&%§$%??%&§ *blur*

well. now i know exactly how she felt. *sigh*

current mode : tvshows marathon & main Quadrapop (new addiction) to keep me oocupied, so that i can "forget" about this p****d pain i'm suffering from.

apa pandang²?? ade utang ke?


Sustain and Develop said...

utang? errr...x de koot... dulu..


Anonymous said...

ayo farr, d p-pain is 'visiting' u eh? aku pon br kena few days ago. kelakar pulak rase, we're thousands miles apart, but are suffering the same 'thing'. haha.. btw, went to d doc sbb tatahan sgt kan. lgpon, frens n families dh lame asking me to go. got one day mc. n d doc asked me to have a check-up lps kahwin. takutnye!!!

fmz said...

btul ke xde utang?? bukan kata nk dtg saar ke aritu. hehe.

begini lah naseb.
aku dh x larat nk cari cure dh. asal peod jek, telan painkiller. aku rs, kalau g jumpe dr pun same jek kot. hehe. sbb ermmm normal la kan p.pain ni. kan kan kan. xpe, kalau dr ko ade kasi idea cool, sound2 la aku.

Anonymous said...

dr yg aku jumpe arituh ckp klu slalu mkn ubat time p-pain, nnt akan affect pd period ko. seperti period ko akan berkurangan. meaning x heavy flow or tempoh period x lame.

btw, last time aku mkn evening primrose oil (EPO). mmg elok lah coz die balance kan hormon. tp tatahan tuh selera naik. that's why aku gemok skang huhu.. so lps amik few months, aku quit. tp la nih rase nak amik balik la.. tatahan aa sakit every month... huhuh...

Sustain and Develop said...

alamak!!!! aiseh man...sorrrriiii mama farr!!
luper laks pasal janji2 manisku ittew..aaaa..mintak maaaaaaaf
ampunkan patik!!
insya Allah next trip nih gi saner

fmz said...

aku dh cuba mcm2 cara. evening primrose penah try dulu. mayb aku give-up awal sgt kot ms tu. so, x nmpk kesan nye. skarang ni just hope yg p****d tu dtg tgh2 mlm la. at least ms tu kalau sakit pun, senang nk tertido. sbb ngantuk gile kan. boley tak cam2. hehe.

haha. tau xpe.
ntah bile la next trip nye ituuu. mcm kelam jek. haha.