Tuesday, June 26, 2007

ku bahagia *cerita semalam*

woke up at 9. get ready. off to lab.
and guess what. lab was locked.
i waited abt one hour but nobody turned up.
great! coz i miss my hubby already.
so, tunggu ape lg.. balik la ;p

memandangkan masing2 dh bosan ternganga d rumah..

i brought abg to segafredo...

nk kasi mr hubby rasa hot chocolate yg shedap tu.

first time kitorang mkn ice-cream cake.
(sgt ketinggalan zmn, i know)

choc layer nye sedap, tp caramel (upper) layer a lil bit too schweet.

due to consumption gula yg berlebihan..
maka kitorang pun high active. haha!
and solution nye...

window-shopping d karstadt
that's abg trying on esprit suit.
terlebih labuh la ;p

me outside the fitting room.
note : blazer mng baru, sneakers puma baru ;p
ngan sebungkus maggi.. buat bekalan ms hdpn :D

he tried on this jambu-shirt, and said "macam wawa!!".
(ampun yerr cik wawa! aku pun rs mcm penah nmpk ko pakai baju corak mcm nih. hehe)

i like it when he'S here with me.


wawa said...

ceit...bila plak aku de baju camtu?ke ada??takde la...aku rasa..=P

fmz said...

haha. ada laaa.
eh ke xde? 0P