Wednesday, July 18, 2007

the day i realize i'm already 24 *sigh*

dr awal tahun me&hubby hv been discussing about our future after we graduate. until now nothing's fix. there's always a changing of plan. rezeki is everywhere, i know. that's why we couldnt stick to one plan. a month max, until we decide the other way. listing the pros and cons doesnt help sometimes, makes the decision-making part even harder ade la.

for the past few days i've been very satisfied with our last future plans. i think i can bear the cons challenges. and the pros... ahhh, we're so damn excited. i even asked my sis's opinion about this. of course she supported us, dia kan the coolest sis ever ;p. mak is cool with it too. when it's time, i'll tell mama n abah. i really hope this time it's final, but.. being me... i cant assure u guys that.

just wait for my next entries, where i'll membebel about screwing my future. :(

p/s : abaikan..

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