Sunday, August 26, 2007

demam :(

satu mslh DA dh setel. alhamdulillah. isnin ni, insya-Allah kena present. but, nahhh!! i'm not so excited about it. all they do is complain. why cant they just, for once, compliment what we've done superbly. i deserve it. futhermore, it will boost our motivation, dont ya think so mr supervisor?? ape2 je la.

that evening demam pulak. planned to go for ice cream & pingpong with dill. tapi... since dh demam.. we stayed in and lyn manjalara instead. dill cooked lunch (which covers tea/dinner/supper ;p) and and and... dia jd ibu to me, sapu air asam jawa kat rambut saya. i loike!! kurang sket rasa bahang kt kepala.


arap2 esok makin sihat.. ameen!


wawa said...

gute besserung farr!minumla air kosong bebanyak...pesanan penaja air kosong=)

fmz said...

lanke wa.
ich denke denke mmg tu la sbb nye. kurang minum ayaq. :(